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Κουτάβι βρέθηκε σε τσάντα για laptop/Puppy ‘lucky to be alive’ after being discovered locked inside laptop bag when it was dumped under a bush


Support: The abandoned dog was then taken to Wood Green Animal Shelter in Cambridgeshire where he is now being cared for by staff

Έκλεισαν το φερμουάρ και την πέταξαν σε πάρκο

Cute: A member of the public noticed the bulging bag moving as she walked through the city and was stunned when the whimpering pup emerged

Κοιτώντας αυτή τη γλυκιά φατσούλα είναι δύσκολο να πιστέψει κανείς ότι κάποιος θα μπορούσε να κάνει κακό σε αυτό το κουταβάκι.

Κι όμως το 10 εβδομάδων Staffordshire Bull Terrier είναι τυχερό που ζει.
Το βρήκε μια περαστική πεταμένο μέσα σε ένα θάμνο. Για την ακρίβεια η γυναίκα παρατήρησε ότι μια τσάντα για laptop που κάποιος είχε πετάξει στην άκρη ενός δρόμου στο Cambridge … κινούνταν.
Όταν την άνοιξε είδε μέσα με μεγάλη της έκπληκη το κουταβάκι!
«Είναι πολύ τυχερό που ζει. Εκεί μέσα δε θα μπορούσε ούτε να αναπνεύσει, ούτε να κινηθεί» είπε η υπεύθυνη του κέντρου προστασίας ζώων στο οποίο μεταφέρθηκε το κουτάβι, Linda Cantle.


Cruel: Ten-week-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier Apollo was found abandoned in a laptop computer bag in Cambridge


With his adorable little face and cute floppy ears, its hard to believe that anybody could be cruel to this young pup.

But 10-week-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier Apollo is lucky to be alive after being found abandoned in a zipped-up laptop bag.

The playful pooch was found by a member of the public under a bush in Cambridge city centre.

She noticed the bulging bag moving as she walked through the city and was shocked when the whimpering pup emerged.

The abandoned dog was then taken to Wood Green Animal Shelter in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire, where he is now being cared for by staff.

Linda Cantle, deputy head of animal welfare, said: ‘This little dog is lucky to be alive. Apollo would have been hot and barely able to move or even breathe.

‘We would urge anyone no longer able to care for their pet to act responsibly and call a rescue centre like Wood Green.’

The pup has be named after the Greek god of healing and will now live with a member of the care centre’s staff until he is ready to be rehomed.

Apollo is one of thousands of animals that have been helped by the shelter in the past year.

Since January 2012 the total number of dogs rescued by the centre Is a staggering 3,881.


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