Αν ζείτε στην Αυστραλία και δείτε τον Άλεξ, ρωτήστε τον πως πάει η επιχείρησή του… Α, και μη ξεχάσετε να τον ρωτήσετε αν ο μπαμπάς του γνωρίζει ότι έχει σχέσεις με αριστερούς τρομοκράτες δολοφόνους κι αν με τα λεφτά του, που εκμεταλλεύεται φτηνά εργατικά χέρια, τους βοηθάει όταν συλλαμβάνονται από τις αρχές…
Ο Άλεξ Κακαφίκας, είναι ένας πλούσιος αριστερής προέλευσης ακτιβιστής στην Μελβούρνη, ο οποίος συνδέεται με βίαους αναρχικούς τόσο στην Αυστραλία όσο και στην Ελλάδα. Όπως θα διαπιστώσετε από το παρακάτω κείμενο και τις φωτογραφίες, υποτίθεται ότι ο Κακαφίκας είναι ενάντια στον καπιταλισμό και θεωρητικά πάντα είναι ενάντια στην εκμετάλλευση των εργαζομένων από τρίτες χώρες ενώ ισχυρίζεται ότι η Χρυσή Αυγή κακομεταχειρίζεται τους … μετανάστες!!!!
Είναι όμως έτσι η πραγματικότητα; Αν ψάξουμε καλύτερα θα δούμε ότι οι γονείς του Άντυ και Γκουέν έχουν μία εταιρεία που ονομάζεται TBS (Aust) Pty Ltd. Αυτή η εταιρεία, λοιπόν, εκμεταλλεύται τα φτηνά εργατικά χέρια όπως διαβάζουμε στην ιστοσελίδα που διατηρεί (βλέπε σχετική φωτογραφία):
Διαβάστε παρακάτω για να μάθετε τι τον κάνει να ξεχωρίζει…
Δραστηριοποιείται κατά της Χρυσής Αυγής στην προσπάθειά της να συλλέξει ανθρωπιστική βοήθεια για τους Έλληνες στην Ελλάδα. Επίσης συνωμοτεί με αναρχικά στοιχεία ούτως ώστε να μη δοθεί βίζα στον Ευρωβουλευτήτου του κόμματος της Χρυσής Αυγής Γιώργο Επιτείδιο ώστε να επισκεφθεί την Αυστραλία.
Έαν υπάρξουν βίαιες ενέγειες εναντίον των Χρυσαυγιτών στην Αυστραλία, ο Άλεξ Κακαφίκας θα μπορούσε να αποτελέσει μια καλή αρχή για να αρχίσει τις έρευνες η Αστυνομία…
Δια του λόγου το αληθές διαβάστε παρακάτω από το προφίλ που διατηρεί στο Facebook το οποίο όμως άλλαξε το όνομά του για ευνοήτους λόγους:
Ίσως ο Alex έχει επίγνωση του τι ο πατέρας του κάνει, αλλά δικαιολογεί το γιατί η κινεζική εργασία δημιουργεί υψηλότερα περιθώρια κέρδους, το οποίο στη συνέχεια μπορεί να μετατραπεί σε μεγαλύτερο κεφάλαιο για την καταπολέμηση των «δυνάμεις του κακού του φασισμού»;
Alex Kakafikas is a wealthy marxist “activist” from Melbourne Australia who associates himself with violent Anarchist terrorists in both Greece and Australia. Read on to find out what makes our friend Alex here so special…
Alex Kakafikas is active in trying to stop Golden Dawn from collecting humanitarian aid for Greeks in Greece. Alex has also been plotting with his violent anarchist friends to disrupt the visit of General Giorgos Epitideios in Australia.
UPDATE 11/18: It seems Alex has seen this article and has now changed his facebook name to “Tony Harrison” and hidden his photos. It seems he doesn’t want to be the “public face” against Golden Dawn Australia anymore.

Here Alex Kakafikas Congratulated himself for being the “public face” against Golden Dawn on the Facebook page he himself created.
This of course is nothing surprising or new, as Golden Dawn New York has dealt with characters like this in the past trying to stop our humanitarian efforts to send aid to Greece. Wealthy billionaires, friends of Samaras, anarchists etc. We thought we had seen it all. Alex Kakafikas is special, for lack of a better term in English or Greek, we will use the Jewish word “Chutzpah”. Alex has more “Chutzpah” than anybody, because unlike other Marxist rich kids who talk about “workers rights” from wealthy families, his family actually owns a cheap labor sweatshop factory in China. They are practicing 21st century slavery.
As you can see from the above photo, Alex Kakafikas is against capitalism, in theory he should also be against exploitation of workers and third world people. After all when it comes to Golden Dawn, he claims that Golden Dawn is brutal and mistreats third world immigrants.
But taking a closer look at Alex Kakafikas’ background we can see here in the picture below his parents Andy and Gwen Kakafikas own a company called TBS (Aust) Pty Ltd. Nothing wrong with owning a company right? Sure but let’s dig a little deeper.
TBS (Aust) Pty Ltd produces motorized curtain and blind tracks for different applications, when we looked at the website we can see something interesting on their “About” page. See the photo below:
It says the following:
“The trend today is to source product off shore, in fact we have gone one step further by establishing our own manufacturing entity in Shanghai, China. The factory is run with western style management and controls to ensure that product designed for Australia meets the rigorous local standards”
So you see, Alex Kakafikas’ family views exploiting cheap labor in Asia as a “trend”. It is a trend sort of like drinking freddo cappuccino in Greece instead of frappe, or a new bouzoukia club. It says however that “The factory is run with western style management and controls”, SO WE WONDER, DOES THAT ALSO MEAN IT IS RUN WITH WESTERN STYLE WAGES? Probably not, because you see the minimum wage in Australia is around 16 dollars per hour, in China it is about 80 cents per hour, sometimes less. Not only that but China is without all those pesky labor laws holding back production!
Andy Kakafikas and Gwen Kakafikas live a good life with the spoils of cheap labor from exploited slanty eyed workers. Their son Alex Kakafikas puts that family money to good use by “fighting fascism”.
But Alex does not only use the money to fight “fascism”, he and his family also go on vacations with the money. Here Alex vists his family village in Megaro, Grevena Greece pictured below:
Pictured Above is Alex’s sister, Joanne Kakafikas, who works for an “Asylum Seeker Resource Center” in Australia. We wonder if any of those asylum seekers are Chinese workers who are trying to escape the poor labor conditions in factories like the one her daddy owns?
Just for the sake of fairness, Perhaps the Kakafikas family are in fact paying “western wages” to go with the “western management and controls” in that Chinese factory. Perhaps all the Chinese workers are living it up wearing authentic Ralph Lauren designer clothes like our Marxist friend Alex Kakafikas is. Perhaps they can send us some kind of wage report or other proof of that, in that case we would be more than happy to retract our statement.
Feel free to call the company with questions at +61 3 8339 2660 they are located at
1/16 Metrolink Circuit, Campbellfield
Melbourne 3061.
Be sure and ask for Alex’s dad, Andy Kakafikas, you can ask him why he is using enslaved chinamen to fund his sons arrested development. Ask him if he is aware that his son associates himself with violent Anarchist terrorists who have been linked to murders.
Perhaps Alex is aware of what his dad is doing, but justifies it because Chinese labor creates higher profit margins, which then can be turned into greater capital to fight the “evil forces of fascism”?
Sadly, in a way these poor Chinese workers, without realizing it are indirectly funding a spoiled little faggot who is trying to stop Golden Dawn from providing aid to Greeks.
So we at Golden Dawn New York have found this to be very educational. We have learned that not only is Australia home to unique animals such as wild dingos,wallabies and koala bears, Australia is also home to an extremely unique type of hypocritical Marxist faggot, Alex Kakafikas.
If you live in Australia and see Alex, ask him how the factory is doing. Ask Alex about their production.