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Αξιωματικός της πυροσβεστικής βρίσκει τρία πίτ-μπουλ παγιδευμένα σε αποχέτευση ομβρίων – Cocoa officer finds 3 pit bulls huddled in storm drain

Pitbulls rescued from drain

“Μία ημέρα μπορεί να σώζουμε ανθρώπους και μωρά που χρειάζονται βοήθεια, την επόμενη στιγμή θα χρειαστεί να σώσουμε ένα σκυλί” δήλωσε ο Αξιωματικός της πυροσβεστικής Ματ Ρας.

“Η πρώτη μου σκέψη ήταν πως παγιδεύτηκαν εκεί τα σκυλιά και πως μπορέσαμε να τ’ ακούσουμε που γαβγίζανε, ίσως μπήκαν από κάποια άλλη τρύπα και στην συνέχεια φράκαραν, αλλά ευτυχώς βγήκαν σε καλή κατάσταση” συνέχισε ο Ρας.

Ειδοποιήθηκε η υπηρεσία φροντίδας των ζώων και με την βοήθειά τους οι πυροσβέστες άνοιξαν το καπάκι του υπονόμου και κατάφεραν να γλυτώσουν τα 3 πιτ μπουλς! Ψάχνουν να βρουν τους ιδιοκτήτες τους. Δεν γνωρίζουν πόσο καιρό ήταν εκεί εγκλωβισμένα.

A Cocoa police officer found three pit bulls huddled in a storm drain on the side of the highway

Officer Matt Rush said he was driving by the 2800 block of West King Street near the Chevy dealership when he heard dogs barking.

WATCH: 3 pit bulls rescued from drain

“One day, you could be rescuing people a baby that needs help, the next minute you’re going to a dog rescue,” Rush said.

Rush stopped to investigate and found the three pit bulls. Rush called dispatch for animal control officers to respond.

Brevard County Animal Services realized the storm grate needed to be removed, so Cocoa Fire Rescue was called in.

Firefighters were able to pry open the storm grate and the dogs were safely removed and turned over to Brevard County Animal Services.

“My first thought was, ‘How in the world did they get in there, and how did I manage to hear them?” Rush said.  “I think they may have gotten in from a manhole across the street. It appears they dug their way in and then got stuck.  Fortunately, they came out in good shape.”

It is not known how long the dogs were trapped or if they belonged to someone.

“We just work with them to make sure we could get the animals out safe,” said Lexi Applegate of the Brevard County Fire Rescue.

Brevard County Animal Services is caring for the dogs and trying to find the owners.


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