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Edward Snowden: The coronovirus will pass, the authoritarian measures will remain

We live in the days of 1984 of George Orwell!


Everyone now understands that the epidemic is only the cause and is the first phase of the plan for the famous globalization. And Edward Snowden knows very well and has experienced what “big brother” means and mass surveillance of peoples!

Edward Joseph Snowden is a well-known American technician (system administrator) who worked under contract for the NSA and the CIA. In 2013, Snowden leaked confidential information to the press from the NSA about the mass surveillance programs being implemented by the US and British governments.

The US-based NSA informant, who is currently living in Russia and has been granted asylum in Russia, denounces methods by authoritarian regimes by governments around the world that restrict citizens’ freedoms, with the parody of the mockery working as a “Trojan horse” for the control of the peoples.

Snowden said about what is happening in the world today: “As authoritarianism spreads, as emergency laws proliferate, as we sacrifice our rights, we also sacrifice our capability to arrest the slide into a less liberal and less free world.

It is important to emphasize that those who are resisting all over the world in this global tyranny that they are trying to impose, are neither the Bolsheviks, nor the children of the “Enlightenment”, the liberals, but the Nationalists!

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